As a Sales, there's no doubt that the most importat thing is~ Close The Deal. However, from time to time we may face difficulties in closing deals with prospective/existing clients. On the whole, these difficulties may as well be summarized as follows:
1. Difficulty in ascertaining at what price level the clients will buy our products;
2. Difficulty in building up/maintaining good relationship with the clients;
3. Difficulty in discerning whether or not the clients are really interested in our offers and, in turn, are interested in closing a deal with us;
4. Some clients are unwilling to try the sample which offered by us as they have reservations in taking the risk of using others than what they are using;
5. Difficulty in price competition, i.e. some competitors quote prices way cheaper than ours.
Recommendations in respect of Difficulty 1:
a. It depends whether or not the client is a big buyer. If he is, then it is worth to try our best to quote him a price which is, in effect, lower than the normal market price.
b. Probe into him the price he has in his mind.
c. Convince our management to quote a special price for the client, bearing in mind that the price quoted would still be profitable.
Recommendations in respect of Difficulty 2:
a. Keep paying them visits and recommending to them the materials we have on offer.
b. Try our best in building up personal rapport with the clients.
c. Try to find out the buying habits of the clients.
Recommendations in respect of Difficulty 3:
a. Firstly, seek to meet the boss direct.
b. Secondly, try our best to understand as much as we can about the clients' business.
c. Try to tell your clients that there are a range of huge company also sell the same products such as Lane Crowford, Welcome, Park n, HSBC, etc.
d. Finally, try to find out what materials have the clients recently bought both in terms of quantity and price so as to know the buying potential of the clients.
Recommendations in respect of Difficulty 4:
a. Request for technical support from your support team of your company with a mind to convince the clients that their reservations are ungrounded.
Recommendations in respect of Difficulty 5:
a. Don' t give up easily. Try to convince the clients that our materials are much better in terms of quality.
b. Contact direct superior for a more competitive price as soon as practicable so as to make a better offer to the clients.
Lastly, it is of most importance that all problems encountered/foreseen should be brought up for discussion with your manager/management as appropriate. <--- 有鑊咪自己扛嘛~ ^~
呼~~~~~~ 寫英文,辛苦到吖!