
聽聞,三十多年來,他在外胡天胡帝,生活亂七八糟,亦未曾盡力為她們的家付過責任,到不久前,她終忍不住,離婚了。最動人的是,在他選立委的時候 (那時好像已離了婚),她還站出來為他拉票。到他選上了,她便悄悄歸返環境不太理想的台北住處。而他,卻依舊一如往昔,在外風流快活 (據聞,前幾年她因經濟問題而與他鬧上法庭。)。
節目結尾,主持亦作幾句勉勵之言,一路卻哭了。我看得出,老江湖的她,那咽哽,是發乎心底為她好友~ 張美瑤的不值,以及對她呵護之心。

令我又想到林燕妮(網友kajie一文說過)曾說, 男人壞都是因為有女人的愛. 假如女的一早便放棄了他, 或許他不會那麼放縱和壞...
Re: 容祖兒將"I'm proud to fly up high" 唱成 "I'm proud to fly 笠 high" + Aulina Chan 提到"Actually... "See me fly" 都唔啱啦,p1都有教see / look / watch 都唔一樣啦"
唔係喎, "see me fly" 係 grammatically correct o架喎! "see" 後面係可以用bare infinitive o架喎, 所以有"sad to see you go", "want to see him suffer" 等句子! 你o地覺得"see me fly" 唔o岩, 請問你o地認為係邊度出問題呢? 唔應該用"see" (難道閣下認為應該用"look" 或者"watch"?)? 人無可能識fly? 還是係咩呢? 願聞其詳!
講開英文唔正, 有無人記得阿英語大使陳慧琳唱"Epson"廣告歌"You're the One"時, 將"the"唱成"thee"呢? 陳小姐應該係讀過o下書o既, 至少佢知道當"the" comes before a vowel 時, 發音應變為"thee"; 不過陳小姐大概唔記得, the "o" in "one" is pronounced as a consonant sound as in "won", 把"the one"讀成"thee one"係唔正確o架!
還記得o係n 年前o既勁歌季選, 主持人考歌手英文, 問到陳慧琳"WC"o既全寫係咩, 陳小姐竟然唔識! 好一個英語大使!! 好一個o係海外留學多年o既留學生!!!
女生愛壞男人﹐因為好男人太predictable ﹐是大悶蛋﹐壞男人那麼一時一樣﹐那麼的難以觸摸﹐有的是驚喜﹐有的是驚奇﹐有的是驚恐﹐那種祈待的心態﹐正好打動女生的心﹐取代平淡的生活。
曾經看過一個 Blog "沒有人天生想當壞男人"
" 其實每個男孩,本來看女孩子都是看臉,而不是胸部的。
於是男孩開始改變,變成女孩喜歡的那種。 嘴角掛著壞壞的笑, 玩世不恭或者幽默。
開始學會假裝關心。學會給女孩送小飾物討好她。 學會如何追求,如何把握愛情。
Anonymous, i'm not speaking for aulina. just to share with u my understanding.
what u said is correct, but beside the point. it's a question abt a proper choice of word, rather than usage of "see"; it's a semantic or idiomatic consideration rather than syntax.
u may look up 'see' in the latest edition of longman advanced leaners' dictionary and and there's a small box telling the difference between see, look and watch. (in cantonese, may i venture to suggest, the difference could be 見, 睇, 望 : P )
and the question is whether one would say "see me fly" in the song's context, i.e. "見倒我飛". or it makes better sense to say "睇我飛,飛到幾高!" i.e. "watch"!
having said that, it's very common to say "see televison" "see a film", "see the match", probably tks to the ppl in the US, and one may maintain to argue that "see" and "watch" is just the same! after it's a canto pop tune for local chinese, who cares abt this little difference except for serious school teachers!
台女利害, 特別d眼淚同情書......
sorry, Anonymous, it should be "longman dictionary of contemporary english".
English in poems or lyrics or a special form of literature, it does not need to be gramatically correct all the time. If the impact of gramatically NOT correct is greater and the author wants to have such impact, he/she will use the gramatically NOT correct English. An example is what you mentioned "you're THEE one." It's for emphasis purpose and is quite commonly used.
我知道"see"同"watch"o既分別, 前者係"notice", 後者就係deliberately 咁望o丫嘛... 不過我無深究歌詞o既意境, 所以我從來都感覺唔到佢呢句係想表達"come & watch me fly"o既意思... 將呢句理解為"(you saw me cry but now) you see fly"又得唔得呢? 反正歌詞呢一種文體o既context從來都唔完整亦不必完整。
無論如何, 點都要講聲"多謝賜教"呀!
Ruth Tam,
係? 但係我真係無乜聽到有外國歌手唱"you're THEE one"喎...
嗯, 咁點解陳慧琳後來唱親live 時又會唱番"you're the one"o既?
無論如何, 都係o個句, 多謝賜教!
According to Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary -
see (USE EYES)
1 [I or T] to be aware of what is around you by using your eyes:
Turn the light on so I can see.
"I can see you!"
[+ (that)] The teacher could see (that) the children had been fighting.
[+ infinitive without to] Jacqui saw the car drive up outside the police station.
[+ ing form of verb] From the window we could see the children playing in the yard.
[+ past participle] His parents saw him awarded the winner's medal.
See (= Look at) p. 23 for prices and flight details.
See over (= Look at the next page) for further information.
2 [T] to watch a film, television programme, etc:
Did you see that documentary on Channel 4 last night?
3 [T often passive] to be the time or place when something happens:
This summer has seen the end of water restrictions in the area thanks to a new reservoir.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Native English speakers do say "see televison"/"see a film"/"see the match".
根據ruth tam 所講, 咁草蜢將"lonely"唱成"lony", 容joey將"I'm proud to fly up high"唱成"I'm proud to fly 笠 high"都無問題丫, 有impact就得啦嘛, 係嘛?
"If the impact of gramatically NOT correct is greater and the author wants to have such impact, he/she will use the gramatically NOT correct English. An example is what you mentioned "you're THEE one." It's for emphasis purpose and is quite commonly used." <-- 咩example呀? 人地依家講緊發音, 唔係grammar呀, 老師!
> Native English speakers do say "see televison"/"see a
> film"/"see the match".
yah, it's becoming acceptable. it's nothing abt native speaker or not, especially in the north america. similar example is "intention to do something" (cf intention of doing something), which is ok in the US but as far as i know is considered to be wrong in the UK.
fogot to add. it's interesting in seeing u pick the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, which is quite contemprary. if u look it up in collins cobuild, which embraces almost everything, u will be able find out even more once wrong/currently alternative/ formally correct usage!
after all, tks for this meaningful discussion.
> English in poems or lyrics or a special form of literature,
> it does not need to be gramatically correct all the time.
some idioms, or some set phrases/sentences, do contain usage that does not conform with established rules of grammar, particually those old ones. eg it dont come easy.
there r plenty of such "wrong" usage that can be heard in the old BBC comedy "only fools and horses". native? yes. acceptable? well, yes. but my impression is that it was employed to show what the "class" or sort of ppl the roles r.
上面關於英文既英文posts好多沙石, 手快快, 求求其, 醜死怪, 多包涵, 唔好挑, 唔洗踢
嘩, PK_, 唔好咁講呀, 我真係覺得學到o野o架, 你好博學啊! 真o架!
另外, 想問問, 係咪即是話Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 唔好/唔夠好? 咁collins cobuild 好唔好o架?
你仲客氣, 直頭玩緊小弟.....
我以為應該先放開對錯, 好定唔好. cambridge, collins cobuild 係比較開放, 有咁上下人用就入. 要明白英文呢家野, 從前講權威, queens kings 話係就係, 所以有 fowler's 呢 d 人, 家陣呢, 一種 statistical approach, 有咁上下人用就ok. 從前字典係權威, 而家係統計結果, 兩回事.
邊部好, 部部都好, 小弟全部都有, 認真學就要咁. 你要包羅萬有, 有咩事比人話可以囉出來擋既, collins cobuild 啦.
btw, 學語文訴諸 "native speakers"點點點, 係好有趣既現象, 小弟遲d會係自己個blog講下.
Wa wa!!!!!
Wa wa wa!!!!!
What happened?!?!?!?!?
You guys shocked me indeed!!!!!
PK_ 兄同 Ruth 姐姐兩位英文勁人解釋得好清楚 ar! 勁!!!! 特別係 PK_ 兄, 中英雙絕! 不愧 Blog 界元祖!!!!! 小弟極為佩服!!!!
語言呢家嘢, 好多係PK_ 兄及 Ruth 姐姐所說, 乃約定俗成. 英文, 法文, 日文, 中文都係. 好似甘迺迪嗰句名言~ Ask not what your country can do for you; Ak what you can do for your country. <--- 文法有點怪異. 法文~ Est que vous etes libere lundi? (Are you free on Monday), 在法國, 冇人發 vous 呢個音. 中文~ 蕃禺 (地名), 讀 "般" 禺, 冇人讀 "番" 禺.
另, 容祖兒嘅 fly 笠 high 同草蜢嘅 lony 並唔係約定俗成, 等於讀中文, 將我讀成鵝一樣.
又, "學語文訴諸 "native speakers"點點點, 係好有趣既現象," 個人認為首先要學正宗嘅英語, 然後先好學走. 我就曾喺美國中南部聽過個鄉下鬼佬講: "What you said?", "I ain't hungry." Native 嗎? 非常! 但要學? As depends 喎真係~
P.S. PK_ 兄之總壇: http://pkblog.org/
PK_ 兄:
"上面關於英文既英文posts好多沙石, 手快快, 求求其, 醜死怪, 多包涵, 唔好挑, 唔洗踢
Wa!!! 喂, 唔好咁謙 ar ha! 你嘅真內涵, 博學, 叫好多扮晒高深故弄玄虛嘅博客甚至文人搵窿 "捐"~
另, 台灣女人真係殺! 個人認為係中國最吸引嘅女性. 連上海大連嘅都冇得 fight! ^~
Mad Dog & The Inner Space 兄:
所以, 男不壞, 女不愛真係有道理 ga!
我成日都話, 愛一個人, 要六成對佢好, 三成對佢唔好, 一成要佢估估吓~ 咁就無往不利嘞! 當然, 點先能做到, 看造化喇~
Hee heee, 妳係咪容記 fans 呢?
咁樹大有枯枝 ma~
女人, 本來就係一首包含淒美與喜悅兩極端的詩.
victor, 你就真係成頂high帽 fly "笠" 落來啦 .....
係兄台地頭 9笠24, 多多包涵就真!
"Hee heee, 妳係咪容記 fans 呢?"
唔係呀, 不過我唔鍾意陳慧琳就係真o既!
btw, 你寫d o野好有趣呀, 情理兼備, 好豐富呀!
PK_ 兄:
"victor, 你就真係成頂high帽 fly "笠" 落來啦 ....."
係由衷之言. 真的. :)
"係兄台地頭 9笠24, 多多包涵就真!"
透過 Blog, 除咗可抒發自己感情, 情緒, 消磨時間, 最難得就係可豐富自己. 你的, 正是當中表表者.
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