Sunday, April 30, 2006

Village People~ YMCA

第一次聽 Village People 嘅時候好細個,大概係五、六歲左右。依稀記得有晚好似係歡樂今宵請咗幾個著住牛仔、紅蕃、「龜」、地盤工人、海軍等服裝嘅男人唱歌。

其中一首就係堅到而家嘅 D 場仲會播嘅 Y. M. C. A.。另外仲有一首印象都好深刻,係曾經令我喺細個嘅時候成日哼比啲朋友聽 (因為唔知個歌名) 問到底呢首歌叫咩名嘅 You Can't Stop The Music。可惜,搵唔到呢首歌嘅 link。

Young Man
There's no need to feel down,
I said, Young Man
Get yourself off the ground,
I said, Young Man
'Cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be un-happy..

Young Man
There's a place you can go,
I said, Young Man
When you're short on your dough,
You can stay there
And I'm sure you will find,
Many ways to have a good time..

It's fun to stay at the YMCA,
It's fun to stay at the YMCA.
They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys..

It's fun to stay at the YMCA,
It's fun to stay at the YMCA.
You can get yourself clean,
You can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel..

Young Man - Are you listening to me?
I said, Young Man,
What do you wanna' be?
I said, Young Man
You can make real your dreams,
But you've got to know this one thing:
No man,
Does it all by himself,
I said, Young Man
Put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there -
To the YMCA,
I'm sure they can help you today..

It's fun to stay at the YMCA,
It's fun to stay at the YMCA.
They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys..

It's fun to stay at the YMCA,
It's fun to stay at the YMCA
You can get yourself clean,
You can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel..

Young Man,
I was once in your shoes,
I said, I was -
Down and out with the blues,
I felt no man cared that I were alive,
I felt the whole world was so tired.
That's when,
Someone came up to me,
And said, Young Man
Take a walk up the street,
It's a place there -
Called the YMCA,
They can start you back on your way..

It's fun to stay at the YMCA,
It's fun to stay at the YMCA.
They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys..
It's fun to stay at the YMCA..
Young Man, Young Man
There's no need to feel down,
Young Man, Young Man
Pick yourself off the ground..
YMCA And just go to the -
YMCA Young Man, Young Man
I was once in your shoes
Young Man, Young Man
I was down with the blues..



愛美 said...

Y. M. C. A.
是我的友誼之歌呢 !

梁巔巔 said...

成班朋友或三五知己一路聽一路飲酒一路手郁郁, 一唱到 YMCA 大家兩隻手就 YMCA, yo! 好正!