Friday, January 20, 2006


Andy 不久前寫到會如何安排自己的葬禮。Haaaa~ 有趣呀!出不出世和幾時死輪不到我們自己話事,但安排自己的葬禮是一個怎樣的葬禮,我們倒能夠作主吧。

我會臨死前叫個仔發帖誠邀自己啲嫡系朋友來我的喪禮 Gathering。 「聚會」上,仲會播餅臨死前錄低嘅帶。內容大概如下:

「 大家好!大家最近如何了?歡迎您哋今日嚟我呢個 Party。我要同各位我最疼嘅朋友您哋講,今日唔準喊 o架!嗱,大家一起喺人生道上走咗咁耐,係要好有緣嘅。當中彼此有喜有憂,如果之前我有啲セ嘢曾經令到您們生氣,唔好嬲啦,不要記住咯噃。其實,您哋今日嚟得,都唔會憎我 o架啦!真可愛吖!如今,小弟我先走啦,如果人死後真的會到另一個世界,喂,我等您哋呀!呵呵呵~ 等您哋嚟同我再一齊玩。而家,大家喺我最後一日嘅呢個 Party,我希望同大家一齊飲飽食醉,同我最後一歡啦!開波啦,一齊手拖手圍個圈跳吓土風舞先。吓?唔識呀?!唔緊要,un 吓得 o架啦!呀哈哈哈~~~~~ Hoooooo~~~~~ Once upon a time, there was a tavern. Where we used to raise a glass or two. Remember how we laughed away the hours, think of all the great things we would do? Those were the days, my friend! We thought they'd never end. We'd sing and dance forever and a day. We'd live the life we'd choose. We'd fight and never lose. For we were young and sure to have our way! Di di di di.... I saw your face and heard you call my name. Oh my friend, we're older but no wiser, for in our hearts, the dreams are still the same. Those were the days, my friend! We thought they'd never end. We'd sing and dance forever and a day. We'd live the life we'd choose. We'd fight and never lose. Those were the days, oh yes those were the days! Di di di di....跳完之後,大家隨便飲酒食嘢啦!當自己屋企得 ga la!」

Party 還有酒有雪茄有美食提供。仲有我多年寫 Blog 嘅文章嘅影印本作紀念 (最好仲係結集成書或者退而求其次,把它們釘得好好睇睇啦。)。務求滿足來賓~ 又食又拎。死後都盡量要益老友嘛!Posted by Picasa



Andy said...

I really think recording a tape for those attending the funeral is a good idea. But my point is, if we want to show them appreciation then, why not show them today? If we want to apologise then, why not doing it today? If we want to hug them and tell them we love them then, why not doing it today?

梁巔巔 said...


唉, 珍惜眼前人, 很對. 但可悲, 人, 往往要在生離死別時才恍然大悟.

珍惜眼前人, 很可能要等到身邊人死後方可真正 "感受" 得到的句子.


Ruth Tam said...

It's touching!

Hyacinthus said...

"人, 往往要在生離死別時才恍然大悟."


Carrie said...

Anonymous said...

梁巔巔你好, 原來也有不少人考慮過自己的喪禮.
熊也剛巧寫過一篇名為"我的喪禮"的小故事, 冒昧邀請你過來參觀一下, 請多多指教!
