Thursday, January 19, 2006



其實,都係好事嚟嘅~ 因為都不知為甚麼,除了後來在美國養鷹隼 (至少我離開時牠還翱翔萬里) 及台灣養雞那兩次之外 (那次最成功!亦是唯一一次在我的飼養下牠們能開枝散葉、傳宗接代。結果弄至我住的那個地方整個後山都係雞!),其他養甚麼都死的。。。。有些仲係慘死。

魚,翻肚;白兔,人哋帶隻兔仔去公園食草好地地,我帶完之後隻兔仔就會爛口死咗;葵鼠,無端端甩毛死;雞仔,有日無 la la 癱渙,之後就走了;蠶蟲,有次因打風天氣惡劣買不到桑葉餓死。雀仔呢,還好,自己飛走。可能感應到我這個主人 oD氣,feel 到唔走遲早都。。。。白老鼠呢,連老鼠咁強生力都頂唔住,唉。

不過,若日後情況容許,我還是要養我還未出世前,爸媽曾養過的銀狐犬 (Japanese Spitzes)。現在睇番那時「菲菲」和「艾加」的相片,真係非常可愛。將來得自己若真的再養,仍會叫牠們做菲菲、艾加。


Eden said...

养螞蟻? I never tried before ...
The smallest pet I had was a snail! I love to put the snail on a piece of pear/ apple and see the pear/ apple get smaller .. smaller .. smaller ...

Is the pic your 菲菲 or 艾加 ? It's so cute !!!

U know, I never tot I would get Yuki in the first place. If I want, I wanted one that never grow up =P

But Yuki changed my life! Yes, I'll have lesser time for other things but in return, I got lots of joy, fun, laughter & companion from Yuki. When I'm unhappy or cried, Yuki will come to me/ stick ard me ... so comforting to stroke & hug her ! =)

And dogs don't die so easily lah =P

Ruth Tam said...

Cute. I want to get a cat when I have time.

Hyacinthus said...


嘩, 你同我有得揮呀, 小時候幾乎甚麼都種過, 哈哈哈...


-___________-!!! 呢樣堅呀,

我養乜都死架, 魚死,鳥飽死,連烏龜也走路,哎呀~~

梁巔巔 said...


Haaaaaa! Yes ar! But I put the ants into a small bottle.

That's not their picture. I just found it from the net.

Your Yuki is cute. What a lovely dog!

"And dogs don't die so easily lah"

I hope la.


Yeah! Cat is also good ga! Sometimes, I like cats more than dogs.


"嘩, 你同我有得揮呀, 小時候幾乎甚麼都種過, 哈哈哈..."

都估到妳差唔多去到逢嘢種嘅地步 ga 嘞!


咦, 咁妳細個時 oD植物又係種 o親都上天堂 ga?!

"我養乜都死架, 魚死,鳥飽死,連烏龜也走路,哎呀~~"

喂, 咁妳仲堅過我呀! 動植物妳都玩晒! Haaaaa~~~~~ Hoooooo~~~~~

搵日交流一下我哋喺有關方面嘅心得啦! Haa~

鳳凰藍 said...


ChecheBee said...

Carrie, 你要小心小心~ ^0^

梁巔巔 said...


好坎坷 ga.....


"Carrie, 你要小心小心~ ^0^"


Hyacinthus said...

巔巔 , 這叫做一言難盡,真係有苦自己知