Friday, March 26, 2010


喺國內,冇錯,係冇言論同網上自由 (政治上),但係,其他嘅嘢,就好自由!真係好 Q 自由!可以話冇皇管咁滯!好撚舒服,自由舒暢實在愉快!

喺香港,冇錯,係,係有言論同網上自由,(但事實上亦已經日漸收窄 o緊!X 那星郁啲就又拉又告!),不過,其他嘅嘢,就惡法日多,行街睇戲,出入店舖,唔係驚罰錢就係畀人查身份証。禁這禁那禁完呢樣禁嗰樣係咁禁禁禁失禁肯定冇佢份!食嘢又唔係咩都有得食,玩又已經唔及人嗰皮冇乜嘢玩。。。。好撚唔自在,冇癮 no fun 實在氣頂!

香港,講真,喺某程度上,某層面上,真係唔及國內咁 Happy!最諷刺可笑係,唔及內地咁自由!



舞了 said...

巔巔, 多謝你的到訪和祝賀, 這裡回敬你一首好歌.

I was as wrong as i could be to let you get away from me
I'll regret that move for as long as i'm living
But now that i've come to see the light
All i wanna do is make things right
So just say the word and tell me that i'm forgiven

You and me
We're gonna be better than we were before
I loved you then but now i intend
To open up and love you even more
This time you can be sure

I'm never gonna let you go
I'm gonna hold you in my arms forever
Gonna try and make up for all the times
I hurt you so
Gonna hold your body close to mine
From this day on we're gonna be together
Oh, i swear this time
I'm never gonna let you go

Looking back now it seems so clear
I had it all when you were here
Oh, you gave it all and i took it for granted
But if there's some feeling left in you
Some flicker of love that still shines through
Let's talk it out
Let's talk about second chances

Wait and see
It's gonna be sweeter than it was before
I gave some then but now i intend
To dedicate myself to giving more
This time you can be sure

I'm never gonna let you go
I'm gonna hold you in my arms forever
Gonna try and make up for all the times
I hurt you so
Gonna hold your body close to mine
From this day on we're gonna be together
Oh, i swear this time
I'm never gonna let you go
So if you'll just say you want me too...

I'm never gonna let you go
I'm gonna hold you in my arms forever
Gonna try and make up for all the times
I hurt you so
Gonna hold your body close to mine
From this day on we're gonna be together
Oh, i swear this time
I'm never gonna let you go
Never gonna let you go
Hold you in my arms forever
Gonna try and make up for all the times
I hurt you so
Hold your body close to mine
From this day on we're gonna be together
Oh, i swear this time
I'm never gonna let you go

Never Gonna Let You Go

梁巔巔 said...

呢首 Never Gonna Let You Go, 亦係我至愛之一!

其實, 喂, 妳本身識我的嗎?

舞了 said...

巔巔, 你好低調架, 做咩d相成日名牌上身既.

舞了既朋友通通都係瘦既, 不過你話你係水腫. 不過, 我就唔認得啦, 我可以話, 唔識你網誌上果個咁高低既肥仔.

梁巔巔 said...

名牌? 我啲衫都唔係咩名牌喎!

"我可以話, 唔識你網誌上果個咁高低既肥仔."

咁..... 即係識我真人?

舞了 said...

乜肥仔唔係巔巔既真身咩? 哦, 巔巔, 你擺明喺度厄神騙鬼啦, 等d網友以為你真係咁英明神武添.


梁巔巔 said...

我肥. 但亦英明神武吖嘛!

舞了 said...

巔巔, 靜靜話你知丫, 我唔係咁鍾意肥人架, 我覺得肥人好瓦頂架.

梁巔巔 said...

好彩唧! ^~