Friday, October 17, 2008




樂遊 said...




梁巔巔 said...

仲有, 聽老屎忽飛仔話, 佢條友喺行政會議上, 從來冇討論金融海嘯嘅嘢!!!!!!


X 鳩! 佢做啲乜究竟?! 正撚頭!

Snowdrops said...

I'm at two minds about Yuk Man's style in the first clip. While I still applaud his bravery in questioning and ridiculing Tsang to his face and even throwing a banana (I actually thought it was a file?) at him, he does need a little bit of self-control to make sure he's not wasting his ammunition on just the one policy item. If he keeps this up every time he disagrees with Tsang, he's going to be escorted out so many times that he won't be an effective voice in the sessions anymore - which probably is what Tsang secretly hopes for anyway. He's giving us a brilliant bit of political theatre, yes, but the HK citizens also need him to be in the Legco sessions long enough to get their concerns across.

Regarding the second clip though, I couldn't help but laugh! Like Yuk Man, I cannot believe the idiocy - and indeed, illiteracy, as Yuk Man himself pointed out - of Tsang's surrogates who wrote that so-called policy statement on the discredited Third Way promoted by Tony Blair (or Tony Bliar, after his lies on the Iraq war and his broken campaign promises). The political illiteracy of Tsang is breath-taking, and he is meant to have studied his Masters in Public Administration???????? Yuk Man is right to say that he totally needs to go back to school.

Really, I'm glad that the League of Social Democrats made it to Legco. Somebody needs to call the Tsang government out on the kind of frankly wincingly embarrassing shit they came out with, or they would be the laughingstock of the world and would never know it.

一舊雲 said...



梁巔巔 said...


i. Under the control of this fucking government, I strongly believe that thsi is the only way to fight for our rights~

ii. As well as that banana wouldm't throw at him, it's okay. ^~

iii. I think, he is depraved. He's thinking~ What he will get more from his position.

iv. With redards to the "Third Way", haaaaa, I think he should read more books about it! You know, it's very horrible because as a governer, he did say such thing but it's totally wrong!

v. Write in English is very very hard for me!



面對而家嘅政府, 難呀!

樂遊 said...

甚麼是第三條道路...唔知,我完全未睇過.只係知貝理呀同anthony giddens等學者唱到紅紅
唉....睇呀〈中庸〉先至講啦,中產同中庸有甚麼關係呀....上下網打key words都知第三條道路係d歐州左派在九十年代的搞作啦,有幾撚中產幾撚中庸呀.....佳叔真係抵被人屌

Snowdrops said...

一舊雲 and DinDin: I agree with both of you actually: that we really need more high-quality debates in Legco, and that Yuk Man is sometimes not helping when he doesn't know when to tactically retreat. But at least Yuk Man is finally bringing to light the sham democracy that is the Legco and when faced with stonewalling politicians like Tsang, sometimes all you could do is shout.

I just wish that Yuk Man could combine finesse with fierceness in his comments and questions. If he had allow, or even actively tempt, Tsang to give an answer, then he could have easily demolished Tsang by destroying his feeble arguments and showing up his utter cluelessness. As it is in the first clip, I think sometimes he's letting real political opportunities slip away from his grasp when he's in the middle of a rant and couldn't stop himself.

樂遊: I learnt about the Third Way more from reading Anthony Giddens (I respect his sociology but not his politics) and from progressive media outlets like The Guardian since the 90's. Following your comment, I just checked the Wikipedia entry for Third Way and must say that it contains quite a bit of inaccuracies there, not least in claiming that the Third Way is merely political centrism, or that Hilary Clinton is a Third Way adherent when she isn't (especially when she advocated for mandatory healthcare in the primaries when Barack Obama didn't).

My beef with Tsang's use of the term is several:
(a) as you pointed out, the Third Way is not about just the middle way between Far Right and Far Left. That was the big mistake in the Wikipedia entry, and it shows up the shallow understanding of political traditions and philosophies on the part of Tsang.
(b) Third Way politics is chiefly about "trying to have your cake and eat it", as the Brits say. They want to combine free market ideology with socialism, which was a way for Blair to get the conservatives on side to trust the British Labour party - which he re-branded as New Labour - when he was running for the general election in 1997.
(c) The crucial weakness in Tsang's invocation of the term is this: Third Way has been found NOT TO WORK. Applying free market mechanisms to "improve" social welfare turned out to be merely a nicer way of saying privatisation of essential social services. But what have we learnt in the past few years in the UK and indeed in the U.S.? Privatisation leads merely into oligarchic collusion, without the benefit of governments being able to control prices and enable access for things that the citizenry cannot do without. So you have a captive market with a few big players and no government oversight. "Improvements" turn out to be closure of hospitals and clinics, poor performance due to cost-cutting rather than value-adding, and steep hikes in bills while privatised entities retain record profits on the back of services that the public cannot do without.
(d) No self-respecting politician in the world today would call themselves a Third Way adherent anymore after it has been so discredited. Yet here you have Tsang happily embracing a defunct political philosophy - one that was keenly promoted by the BRITISH, no less - and not one person in his cabinet has the nous to realise how they are embarrassingly illiterate about both past political history and CURRENT political trends until Yuk Man called him out on it.

Anonymous said...


imak said...

我反而較喜歡詹叔(培忠) 果段, 他個look 又攪笑, d 潮州鄉音又似雷勁, 但你唔得佢死, 佢講既野好有point!

Anonymous said...


梁巔巔 said...

樂遊兄: 我越嚟越感覺到, 佢條友 "求 Q 期兼判嬾嚟"!

Snowdrops: Are you a Political Science PhD stufent?

Anonymous: Hello~

唔係咁, 對啲狗官同曾狗鴨 Don 又可以點?!

呢 oD咁嘅政府, 駛乜尊重~

imak: 叮! 我開如有啲欣賞佢!


Uncle: 所以, 我成日都認為有料嘅人, 唔駛一定係學者款嘅~

一舊雲 said...


梁巔巔 said...

呢個老奸巨, 好攪笑~