Friday, May 16, 2008

靚片金曲~ La Boum II & Your Eyes

法語舊片~ La Boum 好多人都知道或者更看過。它那首主題曲~ Reality 更加係無人不曉的經典金曲。

但大家又知不知道,還有 La Boum II,沒記錯的話,那時在香港也有上映 (港譯多情學生妹。個人覺得此譯名乃失敗之作,因為極會令人誤以為是一齣咸片!)。它的那首主題曲~ Your Eyes 堪與第一集的 Reality 不遑多讓,好聽到暈!

而兩集的女主角,都是索爆的蘇菲瑪素。個人認為,La Boum II 裡面的她,是她美麗動人的巔峰時期。

P.S. 記住一定要睇 o埋呢段片喎 (Yours Eyes 配 La Boum II 嘅精華片段,好正咖!)!

Your eyes
Opened wide as I looked your way
Couldn't hide what they meant to say
Feeling lost in a crowded room
It's too soon for a new love
When you smile your eyes show your heart
Lost inside a soul torn apart
Feeling alone with people around
True love is so hard to find now

You think you're so misunderstood
I'd explain if only I could
Something tells me this time it's real
The way that I feel

Your eyes like the blue in the summer skies
Caught my gaze as I looked across
Feeling lost in a magic maze
It's too soon for a new love
You can't hide that look in your eyes
Open wide you seem so surprised
Searching around for somebody new
True love is hard to find now

When you smile your eyes show your heart
I feel mine is falling apart
Don't you see the way that I fee
lMy loving is real

When you're lost your eyes show you how
I should like to know I'm a part
When your eyes shine I'll know you're mine
For all of the time


  1. 梁巔巔

    經典, 少女味的 蘇菲瑪素, 正吖!
    我淨係記得隻歌喳, 唔知有齣咁既戲.

  2. i. 呢隻歌都唔知點解唔紅.

    打 Your Eyes 搵唔到, 只狂出其他 your eyes! 要打 o埋隊樂隊名 (cook da books) 先搵到~

    ii. 蘇菲瑪素, 少時性幻想三甲之列....


  3. 蘇菲瑪素依家四十幾,都一樣咁鎖魂!

  4. 我知有呢首歌


  5. 當年好像譯作《初吻》。首歌而家聽一樣咁正。

  6. Anonymous: 真係好抵死呀呵!

    樂遊兄: 佢難得仲 keep 得咁掂!

    Readandeat: Hello~ Welcome!

  7. Reality 同 Your Eyes 都好好聽, 講到聽歌, 巔巔都真係幾o岩聽 ^_^

    Anutie Elaine

  8. Wei!!!! Anutie!!!!!!!!! Welcome! How are you lately ar?
