Saturday, July 22, 2006



如以下這篇~ 後台朋友。


莎士比亞說:「人生如舞台。」 人有前台,也有後台。


然而,當他回到後台,脫下戲服,卸下妝彩,露出疲累而飢黃的臉部,後台有沒有一個朋友在等他,和他說一句真心話,道一聲辛苦了, 或默默交換一個眼色,這個眼色,也許比前台的滿堂彩要受用、而且必要!


在他面前,不必化妝,不必穿戲服,不必做表情,不必端架子,可以說真心話, 可以說洩氣話,可以說沒出息的話,可以讓他知道你很脆弱、很懦弱、很害怕。



有此解放,人乃可以在解放一陣子之後,重拾勇氣,重披戲服再次化妝,端起架子, 走到前台去扮演該扮演的角色,做一個人模人樣的人物,博得世俗的讚美,獲得功成名就的利益。

話雖如此,後台朋友並非任何人隨處可以找到。如果有,請好好珍惜。 用心體會,用愛感動。


That's when friends are precious~ proving that they care~ That's when I reached out for you and that's when you were there。

So let me just say thank you for helping see me through~ I found the strength I needed,and I owe that to you。

Thanks for being there。

Friend Of Mine

I see my friend, you need a friend
To care for you and be there for you
Till you're on your feet again

To be your friend through thick and thin
To understand lend a helping hand
That's the least that I can do for you

Now anytime you've got a problem
I'll be there to help you solve 'em
You know oh
When you've got a friend by your side
You're not alone
And you know that when you're feelin' brokenhearted
I'll be there to get you started again my friend
You know I care so I'll be there
Now until the end of time 'cause you're a friend
Friend of mine

A friend in need, a friend indeed
I'll be the one you depend upon
You can always count on me

And win or lose I'll stick by you
I'll try my best put me to the test
And I'll prove the rest is true for you

Click 入去下面條 link,聽吓呢首歌吧,好正!有機會,我唱畀您哋聽!我的好朋友,我愛~~~~~~~~~~ 您)))))))))。

Friend Of Mine 試聽 Posted by Picasa


Ruth Tam said...

Wrote this some time ago:

Life is Like a Stage

程霜 said...


Andy said...

I like this term 後台朋友.

Extraordinary Life 翠斯 said...


我很ENJOY 有這些後台朋友, 什麼是我的後台朋友? 那些看過我在K 裡顛到跳怪怪舞就知道... 我昨天跟銀行舊同事去K, 嘿...錄左很多自制MTV..笑到你肚痛... 點解可以咁放, 因為大家都是..樂得繼續沒形象下去!! 正... 這些顛狂MTV 有機會分享給其他後台朋友看看呢!

梁巔巔 said...

Now anytime you've got a problem
I'll be there to help you solve 'em
You know oh
When you've got a friend by your side
You're not alone
And you know that when you're feelin' brokenhearted
I'll be there to get you started again my friend
You know I care so I'll be there
Now until the end of time 'cause you're a friend
Friend of mine~~~~~ ma!