雖然呢間係好朋友開嘅 Spanish Restaurant,但撇除呢個原因,坦白講,做人要對得人對得住自己,故此,要真係掂我先會推介比人。
Rico Bistro 呢,食物質素好,sell 正宗西班牙菜,亦做到。
New Year’s Eve Dinner Menu
Appetizer: Roasted Beef and Sesame Salad 燒牛肉芝麻野菜沙律
Spanish Seafood Salad 西班牙式扒海鮮沙律
Soup: Spanish Seafood Bisque 西班牙海鮮蕃茄濃湯
Cream of Chestnut 栗子蓉忌廉湯
Main: A. Braised Lamb Shank with FettucciniWith Carrot Herbs Sauce 甘筍香草燴羊仔膝配濶蛋麵
B. Grilled N.Z. Tenderloin & Pan Fried Goose LiverWith Shallot Red Wine Gravy Sauce 香煎法國鵝肝伴新西蘭牛柳干葱紅酒汁
C. Grilled Halibut, Scallops & Prawn With Saffron Cream Sauce 扒大蝦、比目魚併帶子配蕃紅花忌廉汁
D. Roasted Suckling Pig with Vegetable Saffron Paella 西班牙燒乳豬配欖油什菜紅花飯
Desert: Chocolate Pudding with Strawberry 心太軟配士多啤梨
Drinks: Coffee / Tea
6:00pm-8:30pm @338 per person
8:30pm-End @398 per person
(plus 10 % Service Charge)
電話﹕2877 2872
其他關於間餐廳嘅介紹,click 呢度啦。

LDD, food again? hmm.... I am very hungry
da restaurant owned by cookies' miki?
i wonder does carrie gain weight since being with you, hahaa, you always come up with idea of gd food : )
btw, another gd place:
but itz damn expensive, i would recommend to go there in normal day
終於出現啦! 失踪咗一排去咗邊?
"da restaurant owned by cookies' miki?"
Yes. 佢係其中一個.
"i wonder does carrie gain weight since being with you, hahaa, you always come up with idea of gd food"
Haaaaaaa~~~~~~~ no worry!
I'll go to see later. ^^
Heee heee heeeee, "come beautiful HK", "eat delicious food" with us.
chechebee, I heard about Allez! Allez! (frankly, I hate its Chin. name, haha) before and my friends have been there. Talking about 私房菜 in such decorated place in Causeway Bay, the price is quite a fair deal (especially for celebrating special days like birthdays and anniversary). However, I also heard that the service there is not that good and the quality of food fluctuates. Therefore, I still thinking whether I should give it a try.
yes ah, no time to get online while working, then busy hanging out during christmas, heehee
and for the new blog, i m v impressed by u three friendship!
i hvn't tried allez yet, but my frd said it's gd place for celebration. why not gim a try!
I remember that you have posted/introduced this restaurant before, right? Once per two months? ahhaha...
It seems nice here..
妳去有8折比妳喎. ^~ 講真 ga!
wah, dindin, quick response wor, you ambush here for visitor coming?
offer me 20% discount? you are one of boss or partners? or they place 20% discount always on the table? ahahha..
埋伏 here for visitor coming.....
Haaaaa~~~~~ Hooooo!!!!!! 風大師, 呢句有水準吓?! Haaaaa haaaa! This is a special service, just for you ga jar~~~~~ Haaaa!
"or they place 20% discount always on the table?"
喂, 好心冇好報吓?!
We are VIP (very-important/impressive-promoter/PR), aren't we, my dear? =P
So our friends (especially you, 風信子, honourable co-author of 風巔信霜), will enjoy discount. ^^
honey...我地同一秒wor! ^.^
VIP? as co-author of 風巔信霜 can enjoy discount ???
so next time when I walk in, i can put "DinDin", "Carrie" or "風信子" as 擋箭牌 for discount asking, right?
like that? "I am 風信子, offer me 20% discount"?? thanks here.
"like that? "I am 風信子, offer me 20% discount"??"
Haaaaaaa!!!!!! 好好笑呀!!!!!
"thanks here."
Hooooo~~~~ 呢句仲掂~~~~ Haaaaaa!!!!!
Send you a gift. Check your email la. ^~
wah, so many comments in a flash ...
i suggested to my frds our next gathering will b there XD
Haa~ Thanks.
鵝又嚟! ^~
"and for the new blog, i m v impressed by u three friendship!"
"風巔信霜"<---- 得閒去多 oD la! 唔佳.
鵝好靚仔. 呵呵呵!!!!!!
"鵝好靚仔. 呵呵呵!!!!!! " @@
哎,我係風信子,同隻鵝同場,要學識吹漲隻鴨,好harsh 呀!
cool, you are so hyperactive tonite wor, whywhy?
i just read back ur postsssss,
"要學識吹漲隻鴨,好harsh 呀!"
哈哈哈~~~~ 唔知典解真係笑得好緊要!!!
呀哈哈~ 妳幾時咁有幽默感 o架??!!??
遲幾日........ 有篇 "別戀高雄"...... 望妳到時能細閱吧.
i always b so funny gala,
i m funny B ma~~~~ wahahaa
cool, look forward to 別戀高雄!
"i always b so funny gala,
i m funny B ma~~~~ wahahaa"
........ 唔係 fa?! 竟竟竟然...... 同我有得 fight???!!!!!
我 cute oD! Alright?
睇 "always ready" 先~~~~~~~~
"always ready"
呀......哈哈哈哈!!!!!!!!!! 妳真係, 得呀! Wahahaha!!!!!! "隨時候命" 呀!
咁 "本草藥王" 係咪叫 "Medicine King" ar?!!!?????
ok. ldd,i am waiting for the air tickets that is sponsored by you and carrie for your wedding.
You can't possibly expect me to swim to Hong Kong. haha...=P
This is so that I could enjoy good foods at Hong Kong
"to swim to Hong Kong."
Haaaa! Hoooooo!!!! Wait, CR, do you um...... do you know to swim? Haaaaa~~~~~~
And, remember, CR, "Come HK; Eat Food." Din can eat, so can you!!!!!!!!!!!
CR: "to swim to Hong Kong"???
wah, CR, I don't think DinDin would offer you a ticket for food in HK. Then, you would be the first who swim from Singapore to HK. Please update me if you do here.
風信子, you know me ar.
then I will get my company to sponsor my trip to Hong Kong since LDD does not want to offer me the air ticket or food. Haha....=P
When you come here? :)
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