最正嘅係,yo!自己總覺得以前坐大船去長洲或大嶼山梅窩,船上面嗰 oD其實都幾 cheap 嘅即食麵零舍好味道!自己試過無論點整都整唔到嗰種味。嗱,呢隻即食麵就有七成嗰種風味嘞!Memory~~~~~~ all alone in the moonlight~~~~ I can smile happy your days ( I can dream of the old days)~~~~~ Life was beautiful then~~~~ I remember the time~~~~ I knew what happiness was~~~~ Let the memory live again~~~~ Hooooooo~~~~~~~
wei, dindin, don't sing the song I love that poor wor...
you break my good memory then...
成首嚟吖!!!!!! 阿支阿 jor 阿花吖嗱!
Not a sound from the pavement~~~~
Has the moon lost her memory~~~~~
She is smiling alone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In the lamplight~~~~
The withered leaves collect at my feet~~~~
And the wind begins to moan~~
All alone in the moonlight~~~~~~
I can smile happy your days ( I can dream of the old days~~~
Let the memory live again~~~~
Every street lamp seems to beat~~~~
喳! 知道了. ^^
I used to eat a lot of instant noodles when I was in Canada. Now, I know instant noodles are high calarie food. So, I eat much less.
"成首嚟吖!!!!!! 阿支阿 jor 阿花吖嗱!"
-___-! don't agree, u ruin my good mood here.
You could be mine. ^^
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