Saturday, September 03, 2005



程霜 said...

New friends like you are good too! Keep up with the writing (short is good too- precise and up to the "point").

程霜 said...

Victor: check this out:-

梁巔巔 said...

i. "precise and up to the "point""

頂你~ 話我寫得長!??!!

ii. 喂, 條link唔完整喎?

iii. Are you okay now?

程霜 said...

1. sorry if you get offended, as long as those who were born on Dec 6 have the patient to read till the end, you are fine! Hehe!


3. after one week of fever, finally over.....

梁巔巔 said...

only got fever ja?.....仲以為你.....

程霜 said...

Victor, you can read the article about west nile again. the Dr. said there is no exact way to find out if you are really infected by the virus because different people have different physical conditions. If I got stiff neck after fever and start getting unconscious, that's confirmed, lucky that I did not reach that stage...

梁巔巔 said...

Okay, got it.

Buddy, report 出咗未?

另外, 是否須長期食藥?

Sorry to hear that!