Saturday, May 24, 2008

Girl~ You'll Be A Woman Soon~~~~


好似以下呢段出自鬼才昆倫塔天奴域早期成名之作~ Pulp Fiction (危險人物),由佢嗰時條女奧瑪花曼嘅 solo,正到呢,一小段已經係全片代表!


另外,睇咗咁多次呢段 (同 o埋前半截),我還疑佢真係 high 咗嘢先去拍!

Girl, you'll be a woman... soon

I love you so much, can't count all the ways
I'd die for you girl and
all they can say is
"He's not your kind"
They never get tired of putting me down
And I'll never know when I come around
What I'm gonna find
Don't let them break up your mind.
Don't you know...

Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Please, come take my hand Girl,
you'll be a woman soon,
Soon, you'll need a man

I've been misunderstood for all of my life
But what they're saying girl
it cuts like a knife
"The boy's no good"
Well I've finally found
what I'm a looking for
But if they get their chance
they'll end it for sure
Surely would
Baby I've done all I could
Now it's up to you...

Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Please, come take my hand
Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Soon, you'll need a man

Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Please, come take my hand
Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Soon but soon, you'll need a man



  1. 同意, Pulp Fiction, 正! 有幾幕戲永世難忘。

    1)Uncle Wallace 個貼了膠布個柒頭sell 亞 Bruce 打假拳一幕, 佢D讀白我幾乎背得哂!

    2)Bruce 較腳途中無厘頭遇到 Wallace, 跟住佢地又遇到 Gay 佬店主、差佬。 Bruce 拿把日本刀去片、插,跟往打爆埋條差佬春袋十分鼎隱! (我應該係有d態變!)

    3)Fox 解困, 佢又串得好好睇

    4)奧瑪花曼, 你都講左-- excellent

    5)兩個笨柒雌雄賊 劫餐廳一幕


  2. 呀哈哈哈哈~~~ 2 <--- 基佬呢段真係好頂癮!

    6 <--- 係呀! 昆倫塔天奴域就係憑呢齣戲奠定鬼才之位~

  3. 梁巔巔

    呢齣, 正! 因為Pulp Fiction , 我發現自己原來好變態及怪雞, 仲好鬼鍾意Quentin Tarantino.

    奧瑪花曼嗰part梗正, 後尾成日被人抄.
    而家睇番gay佬姦大佬嗰part, 真係笑到碌地.

  4. 可惜佢近嚟好似江郎才盡....
