有首歌搵嚟搵去都搵唔到,之前仲喺 Blog 公開請教,但都徒勞無功。結果,我喺上兩個星期日打咗去「Sunday 任我行」問陳任,原來首歌叫「Be A Rover」!好嘢,終於知道!
咁難得打得上去,冇理由剩係問同點一首歌嘅,於是點多首。但又唔記得咗個歌名,唯有「la」比佢聽:「la la~~~~ la la la~~~~ la la~~ (la 到我中間自己都忍唔住笑。)」點知佢話:「。。。。ur。。。。唔知邊首喎~」我話:「唔緊要。咁呢首呢?我記得中文歌詞吖~ 『全個世界,最可愛是現在。。。。人生之中,幾多歡樂事。。。。』。。。。(大家放心~ 我都只係唱咗幾句啫)」佢都忍唔住笑:「唔識喎真係~」唉,最後唯有順便問佢唱歌時,和音點唱同點練,佢話:「咁咁咁。。。。咁咁咁。。。。『你後生嗰時』有冇唱過 choir 呢?。。。。又咁咁咁。。。。」
我唱歌都真係好好聽。尤其是唱貓王~ Elvis Presley 嗰 oD,掂!5粒★!
Are you lonesome tonight~~~~ Do you miss me tonight~~~~~~~~~~ Are you sorry we drifted apart~~~~~~~~~~~ Does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day~~~~~ When I kissed you and called you sweetheart?
Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare~~~~~~~~~~ Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Is your heart filled with pain~~~~ shall I come back again~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tell me dear~~~~~~~~~~ are you lonesome tonight?
I wonder if。。。。you're lonesome tonight。You know。。。。someone said that the world is a stage。And each must play a part。Fate had me playing in love。。。。you are my sweet heart。Act one was when we met。。。。I loved you at first glance。You read your line so cleverly and never missed a cue。。。。Then came act two,you seemed to change and you acted strangeAnd why I'll never know。Honey,you lied when you said you loved me。。。。And I had no cause to doubt you。But I'd rather go on hearing your lies,than go on living without you。Now the stage is bare,and I'm standing there。。。。with emptiness all around me。And if you won't come back to me,then I can bring the curtain down。
Is your heart filled with pain~~~~~~~~~~~ shall I come back again~~~~~~~~~ Tell me dear,are you lonesome tonight?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
唔... 我信陳任多o的喎... :P~
who sing the chinese version???
I love Elvis's songs. Know about him from the drama course in my last university year.
有機會的話我唔會介意. ^~
..... -__-
記憶中, 冇人唱過 Are you lnesome tonight 中文版. 但 Always on my mind 就有噃. 係關正傑嘅柔情常在我心間.
Ruth & 鳥飛,
有 taste 吖!
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