而家啲 DJ,一味口水多過茶,講嘢「懶」有深度但事實係冇。最難頂嘅係成日「懶」有 feel 咁喺首歌嘅開頭、中間或臨尾,甚至頭中尾都會發表深情哲理,COW~~~~ 我 X~
好似港台二台嘅「Sunday 任我行」就係嘞!一向喜歡聽呢個節目。陳任主持嘅風格實而又華。他選播嘅老歌唔例牌,每有驚喜。而且,他對中西 oldies 嘅深厚認識、豐富資料,簡直係一人肉寶庫。配合佢獨有嘅幽默 + 間歇失控 (當「哼」出聽眾所點播的歌曲時),正!一啲都唔會悶。
逢 Sunday 00:00 ~ 02:00
yeah, I like beer. (I have also read the words, not just the picture.)
ReplyDelete"yeah, I like beer.'
ReplyDeleteWahahahahaaaa~ 我開頭睇嘅時候仲諗:"yil, 剩係睇圖!"
點知, 睇呢句~ (I have also read the words, not just the picture.)
Haaaaa~ Ruth, 妳原來真係好有趣, 有幽默感 ga! Ahhahahaaaaaa~~~~