Monday, November 07, 2005



Ruth Tam said...

so quick?

kam kam said...

請你繼續到訪 ^_^
Always pray for you two!

梁巔巔 said...


Xavier said...

老兄,去教會o者...都唔駛嗌晒救命 (我估咋..) Amen


梁巔巔 said...


你有所不知, 好耐以前一段日子我番 o親教會都會又疴又嘔.

Hyacinthus said...

呢oD叫一物治一物, 你話係咪啦 ?

巔巔,咪幾好,都話唔駛太擔心既啦,收歛點就得既啦 :)

Andy said...

I think LDD is also the kind of people who would feel uncomfortable in church. And people in church would also feel uncomfortable with LDD being there. Because many people are non-conformists. And the Church hates non-conformists. They want people to look the same, think the same, etc. They don't like people to argue, debates, because that would destroy the peacefulness. They don't know Christians could disagree. That's why the intellectual level in church always tends to be relatively low. People who have some independent thinking would be reluctant to go to church.

ChecheBee said...

Nice to meet you, your blog is interesting. and i can tell some good thing happened to you, and your love love : ) wish you two stay always sweet ~

macy said...

"I think LDD is also the kind of people who would feel uncomfortable in church. And people in church would also feel uncomfortable with LDD being there. Because many people are non-conformists. And the Church hates non-conformists. They want people to look the same, think the same, etc. They don't like people to argue, debates, because that would destroy the peacefulness. They don't know Christians could disagree. That's why the intellectual level in church always tends to be relatively low. People who have some independent thinking would be reluctant to go to church." by andy
