毛主席流傳至今的詩辭亦多,但據聞其中不少乃其 "馬屁" 文人手下代筆之作。。。。更為不屑!
昨晚緣之所至,與 pema 及 風信子風雅地以詩相互交流。而當中,我總覺得 pema 寫得比我好。而另外,她與風信子寫的難得地不會有一般人所犯的毛病,就是令人覺有矯情之感。
忍不住呢,我認為呀,自己寫的雖不是甚麼驚世之作,甚至自己亦敢嘲為 "爛" 詩。不過,比起前弘曆、潤之,我的詩至少夠~ 真。
矯情之感? 不知道!
有趣,搵日再來過 ^^
at least you can still write in chinese. i can't even though i can read very well in chinese. Thank you. I am glad that you like the song from Michael Learn to Rock.
呀..你們都寫得很好呀! ^^b
風信子, 風信子哦,
好吖! 真係好有趣, 好好玩! 有意思呢~
Corinne Rochefort,
You're welcome.
"From my youngest years
till this moment here
I've never seen
such a lovely queen......... Paint my love
you should paint my love
it's the picture of a thousand sunsets
it's the freedom of a thousand doves
Baby you should paint my love
Since you came into my life
the days before all fade to black and white
Since you came into my life
Everything has changed"
Hoooooo~ 唔駛飲酒都醉!
pema & 風信子寫得真係好唔錯!
haha....too bad you can't sing it to me. just joking. enjoy your weekend. It is Saturday over there in Singapore. What is the time over at Hong Kong?
10:53am buddy.
hey, i can't access the web site link. anymore, i am a huge fan of MLTR
Corinne Rochefort
Check this out~
ok. thank you. is it sunday or saturday at hong kong?
Corinne Rochefort,
yo!!!!!!! HK and Singapore is at the same time zone.
yes. i am a chinese
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